MSP Power Pack and Jaws

MSP Series Power Pack and Jaws, Light Duty Applications

The MSP-1 is designed for light duty cutting applications, such as trimming leads on circuit boards and operated at 60-80 psi air pressure.  This tool is only 51/2” long x 1 1/4” diameter and weighs just 9 oz..  The cutting jaws shown below are ordered separately.  Custom jaws are available on a design and build-to-order basis. 

Remote actuated power pack (MSP-1F (footswitch controlled) is available as a build-to-order tool. 

NOTE: Power pack specifications are detailed in the tab section at the bottom of this page.

To insure you are receiving the best tool configuration for your application, we suggest you contact us to discuss your application and make a recommendation.  It's often recommended that samples of your parts or material be sent to us for evaluation and testing prior to ordering.


Request Information



Light duty cutting jaws for use with MSP power packs


The jaw options shown below are all considered standard production items.  To insure you have the correct jaw option for your application, we recommend that you provide CPS with samples of the materials being cut so we can verify the jaws will perform as expected.  All jaws are non-returnable once used, except for material defects confirmed by the factory.

MCD-1CH Semi-Flush Cut Jaw, Case Hardened

MCD-1CH Semi-Flush Cutting Jaw fo MSP Power Pack

Catalog No.


Cut Style


Semi-Flush Rise


Jaw Angle


Length of Cut


Max Tip Opening


Cutting Edge

Side Cut

Cut Recommendation

Soft Wire


MCD-11CH Full Flush Cut Jaw, Case Hardened

MCD-11CH Full Flush Cut Jaw for MSP Power Pack

Catalog No.


Cut Style

Flush Cut

Flush Cut Rise


Jaw Angle


Length of Cut


Max Tip Opening


Cutting Edge

Side Cut

Cut recommendation

Soft Wire


MCD-2CH Semi-Flush Cut Jaw, Case Hardened

MCD-2CH Semi-Flush Cut Jaw for MSP Power Pack

Catalog No.


Cut Style

Semi-Flush Cut

Semi-Flush Rise


Jaw Angle


Length of Cut


Max Tip Opening


Cutting Edge

Side Cut

Cut Recommendation

Soft Wire



Additional jaws for use with MSP Power Packs


The jaw options shown below are all considered standard production items.  To insure you have the correct jaw option for your application, we recommend that you provide CPS with samples of the materials being cut so we can verify the jaws will perform as expected.  All jaws are non-returnable once used, except for material defects confirmed by the factory.

MCD-21CH Full Flush Cut Jaw, Case Hardened

MCD-2CH Flush Cut Jaw for MSP Power Pack

Catalog No.


Cut Style

Full Flush

Full Flush Cut Rise


Jaw Angle


Length of Cut


Max Tip Opening


Cutting Edge

Side Cut

Cutting Recommendation

Soft Wire


MFS-1CH Shear Cutting Jaw, Case Hardened

MFS-1 Shear Cutting Jaw for MSP Power Pack

Catalog No.


Cut Style

Shear style

Cut rise


Jaw Angle


Length of Cut


Max Tip Opening


Cutting Edge

Center Cut

Cutting Recommendation

Fine / Soft Wire


MSJ-1 Blank Jaw, Unhardened. Customer determines jaw design

MSJ-1 Blank Jaw for MSP Power Packs

Catalog No.


Jaw Style

Blank - Unhardened

Cut Rise


Jaw Angle


Length of Cut


Max Tip Opening


Cutting Edge



Soft Materials



MSP Power Pack and Jaw Housing Dimensions:  5" L x 1-1/4" D

Weight: 9 oz.

Air Pressure Required:  60-80 PSI

Max Cutting Force @ 80 psi:  100 lbs

Note: For customers outside of the U.S., these tools do NOT carry EU or CE certification


MSP-1: Hand Lever Control Power Pack and Jaw Housing

MSP-1F: Configured for remote footswitch control.  Footswitch sold separately.



No Video Available


The warranty details in the document below covers the pneumatic power packs only.

Standard and custom jaws are not warranted, except for defects in workmanship when confirmed by the factory.

Jaws are returnable only if not used.


Pneumatic Tool Warranty Document


If you are looking for any of the pneumatic tools detailed on this website to replace a manual tool, we recommend the following procedure:

1.  The fastest method is to give us a call so we can discuss your application in detail and make a recommendation.  Toll Free U.S. / Canada: 888-444-1202.

2.  If emailing your request, please be sure to provide as much information as possible regarding the application, including material specifications, cycles performed per day, photos or video of the process and tool that you currently use, drawing models (.stp format) if available, etc.  Refer to the Contact Us tab at the top of the website and direct your inquiry to customer service.

3.  In many cases, we will request that you send us samples of the material or parts you will be processing with the pneumatic tool so we can confirm the tool performance before you purchase.  The testing process is available to all customers at no cost.  This assures all parties that the correct tool is specified for the application.

4.  You can also contact us via the chat line on the website.  The chat box will be located in the lower right corner of your screen. 


If you require a modification to a standard tool, or a very specific custom tool to meet your production or assembly process, we can be of service.

Follow this link to the "custom tool" pages where a variety of examples are presented. Custom Pneumatic Tools   Note that ALL of the tools in this product section were designed and built to meet a specific customer application and carry a unique part number for that customer.  These are NOT stock or production tools.  Any custom tool built specifically for a customer's application will be assigned a unique part number designating the custom design for that tool only.


The procedure to follow for tool modifications or custom tools is as follows:

1. The best option is to contact us by phone so we can discuss your application in detail to determine if your tool requirement fits within our capabilities.

2. If you prefer email, please provide us with as much information as possible regarding your application, material or parts being processed, photos, video, solid model drawings, etc., so we get a clear understanding of your requirements.  Emails should be directed to customer service (See Contact Us at the top of the page)

3. We will most likely request samples of your parts for testing or evaluation prior to providing a quote.  Assuming we determine a tool design is a good fit, we will provide you with a quote for review and acceptance.

4.  Once a purchase order has been issued, the final design is completed and scheduled for production.  Prior to production beginning, we will provide you with a tool drawing for your review, acceptance and signature.  Upon confirmation drawing approval, the tool will be entered into the production schedule.

5.  Please note: Lead time for Custom Tools is 6-9 weeks after acceptance of the purchase order and tool drawing. 

6.  All custom tool orders are non-cancellable once actual production has begun.