MSP Power Pack and Jaws

Custom Pneumatic Crimping Tools for a wide variety of applications

The custom crimping tools detailed in this product section were designed around specific customer applications and are considered build-to-order tools only.  These are just examples of tool designs to show overall capability to meet various assembly tool challenges.  Although these tools may appear to work for your specific application, we will always approach each tool request as a unique project.

When considering a custom tool for your application, please contact us directly and provide as much information as possible regarding your application.  Photos, video, solid model drawings and samples of your parts may be required before we can provide you with a firm quote and lead time.  Every custom tool will be assigned a unique part number that applies to 1 specific tool and 1 specific customer. 

As a general rule, lead time for custom tools can vary from 6-8 weeks after receipt of order. 

Custom tool applications are always welcome.


Request Information

Custom Pneumatic Meter Seal Tools


PTX-610  and PTX-951 Meter Seal Tool

PTX-610 Custom Pneumatic Meter Seal Tool


This custom pneumatic tool is designed to crimp and wrap a very specific meter seal. Built around the customers specifications to secure the seal to the cable.  A spring loaded bushing secures the meter seal in the tool for proper alignment.

PTX-610-951 Video


PTX-855 Meter Seal Tool

PTX-855 Custom pneumatic meter seal tool


This custom pneumatic tool is designed to crimp the more conventional, soft metal meter seals (ferrule style).  The tool is designed around customer supplied crimp dies or dies can be fabricated.

PTX-855 Video

Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Loop Rings, S Hooks and Heavy Wire.


PTX-958 S-Hook Crimp Tool

PTX-958 Custom Pneumatic Tool to Crimp S-Hooks


Custom Pneumatic tool designed to crimp S-Hooks.  All tools are build-to-order to match any specific S-Hook.

PTX-958 Video


PTX-1067 Crimp Tool for Small S-Hook

PTX-1067 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Small S-Hooks


Custom Pneumatic tool designed to crimp S-Hooks.  All tools are build-to-order to match any specific S-Hook.




PTX-694 Loop Ring Crimp Tool

UNPTX-694 Pneumatic Loop Ring Crimp Tool



Custom Pneumatic tool designed to crimp Loop Rings.  All tools build-to-order to match a specific loop ring.

PTX-694 Video


PTX-1094 Crimp Tool for Heavy Wire

PTX-10944 Pneumatic Tool to Crimp Heavy Wire typically used in point-of-purchase displays



Custom Pneumatic tool designed to crimp heavy wire, typically used in point-of-purchase displays.  All tools build-to-order to work properly with the specific wire being used.

PTX-1094 Video


Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tools for use on Sheet Metal


PTX-801 Sheet Metal Crimp Tool

PTX-801 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Too for Sheet Metal

Custom pneumatic tool to crimp sheet metal seams.  This crimp is considered a temporary fastening method and does not provide a structural joint, as compared to a clinch, rivets, screws or spot welds. 



PTX-811 Sheet Metal Crimp Tool

PTX-811 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Sheet Metal

Custom pneumatic tool to crimp sheet metal seams.  This crimp is considered a temporary fastening method and does not provide a structural joint, as compared to a clinch, rivets, screws or spot welds.



PTX-1031 Sheet Metal Crimp Tool

PTX-1031 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Sheet Metal

Custom pneumatic tool to join sheet metal parts.  This crimp is considered a temporary fastening method and does not provide a structural joint, as compared to a clinch, rivets, screws or spot welds.

PTX-1031 Video


Additional Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tools for use on Sheet Metal


PTX-1030 Sheet Metal Seam Crimper

PTX-1030 Custom Pneumatic Sheet Metal Seam Crimper

Custom pneumatic tool to crimp sheet metal seams.  This crimp is considered a temporary fastening method and does not provide a structural joint, as compared to a clinch, rivets, screws or spot welds.

PTX-1030 Video


PTX-1055 Sheet Metal Punch Tool

PTX-1055 Sheet Metal Punch Tool

Custom pneumatic tool to punch light gauge sheet metal.  This tool utilizes a urethane spring instead of a conventional spring to assist with the return stroke on the punch and prevent it from sticking. 

PTX-1055 Video


PTX-1078 Aluminum Hole Punch

PTX-1078 Aluminum Hole Punch

Custom pneumatic tool to punch Aluminum flat stock.  The alloy being used may dictate the final tool and punch design.  1/8" thick aluminum is the maximum thickness used with this tool.  



Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Aluminum Extrusions and aluminum channels


PTX-702 Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-702 Custom Crimp Tool for Aluminum Extrusions

Custom pneumatic crimp tool for use with aluminum extrusions.  This tool is used to stake a wire spring clip inside a window frame extrusion.


PTX-1118 Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-1118 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for crimping and flattening Aluminum Extrusions

 Custom pneumatic crimp tool to secure weather stripping in an aluminum extruded channel by flattening the end.  The crimp locks the weather strip in place.

PTX-1118 Video Link


PTX-883 Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-883 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for use with Aluminum Extrusions

Custom pneumatic crimp tool to secure weather stripping in an aluminum extruded channel.  The crimp locks the weather strip in place.

PTX-883 Video Link


PTX-1103 Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-1103 Aluminum Extrusion Crimp Tool

Custom pneumatic crimp tool designed to crimp a "rise" on an aluminum extrusion. In this application, the extrusion shown is inserted into another extrusion.  The rise functions as "interference" to prevent it from sliding out of the larger extrusion.

PTX-1103 Video Link


PTX-1069 Aluminum Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-1069 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Aluminum Extrusions and Aluminum Channels

Custom pneumatic crimp tool designed to crimp and slightly deform an aluminum channel to lock two sections together.

PTX-1069 Video Link


PTX-983 Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-983 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Aluminum Extrusions

Custom pneumatic crimp tool designed to crimp and slightly deform an aluminum channel to lock two sections together.

PTX-983 Video Link


PTX-1141 Extrusion Crimp Tool

PTX-983 Custom Pneumatic Crimp Tool for Aluminum Extrusions

Custom pneumatic crimp tool designed to crimp a dual wall aluminum extrusion

Prevents the extrusion sections from sliding laterally

Functions as a temporary interference fit prior to installing a locking cap

PTX-1141 Video Link



PTX-1163 Brake Line Crimping Tool

PTX-1163 Pneumatic Tool to stake seal in aluminum extrusion

Custom pneumatic tool to stake plastic sleeve or rubber seal in aluminum extrusion by placing a small crimp on the inside face of the extrusion channel to prevent the insert or rubber seal from dislodging.  A Delrin sleeve is installed on 1 jaw to prevent scratching the outside face of the anodized aluminum extrusion. 

PTX-1163 Video Link

PTX-1179 Crimp tool for Cryogenic Applications.

PTX-1179 Crimp Tool for Cryogenic Extrusions.

Custom pneumatic tool to crimp the aluminum extrsuions together and avoid the need to weld them.  As there are multiple extrusion designs, each tool is configured to meet the customers requirements.  The crimp pins are replaceable.


Custom pneumatic tools to dimple or crimp copper tubing


PTX-820 Tube Dimple Tool

PTX-820 Custom pneumatic tool to dimple copper tubing

Custom pneumatic tool to form dimples on copper tubing to assist in joining tubes together by creating a friction interference fit.



PTX-899 Brake Line Crimping Tool

PTX-899 Custom pneumatic tool to crimp and join copper brake lines

Custom pneumatic tool used to crimp and join 2 copper tubes together by using an internal spacer tube.  Dual cavity jaw for different tube diameters.

PTX-899 Video Link


PTX-977 Tube Dimple Tool

PTX-977 Custom pneumatic tool to dimple copper tubes

Custom pneumatic tool to form dimples on copper tubing to assist in joining tubes together by creating a friction interference fit.  Similar to PTX-820.

PTX-977 Video Link


PTX-1161 Dimpling Tool

PTX-820 Custom pneumatic tool to dimple copper tubing

Custom pneumatic tool to form dimples on the inside of  copper tubing.  The dimpling pin is a replaceable item.

PTX-1161 Video Link



Custom Pneumatic Tool to Crimp Wire Ferrules


PTX-957 Wire Ferrule Crimp Tool

PTX-957 Custom pneumatic tool to crimp wire ferrules

Custom pneumatic tool to crimp ferrules for use with small diameter cables.  Each ferrule crimp tool is designed and manufactured to crimp a specific size ferrule.  Final crimp dimensions based upon customer specifications for final crimp diameter and cable pull test.  Build to order.



PTX-984 & PTX-1076 Wire Ferrule Crimp Tools

PTX-1076 and 984 Custom Pneumatic Tool to Crimp Wire Ferrules

These Custom pneumatic tools crimp ferrules for use with small diameter cables.  Each ferrule crimp tool is designed and manufactured to crimp a specific size ferrule.  Both of these tools were designed around slightly different ferrules with different customer specs.   Build to order.

PTX-1076 Video Link


Custom Pneumatic Tool to crimp and seal plastic tubing


PTX-1109 Plastic Tube Crimp Tool


Custom pneumatic tool to crimp and temporaily seal plastic tubing

Custom pneumatic tool to crimp and "temporarily seal small diameter plastic or nylon tubing. This specific tool crimps tubing up to .250" diameter. For sealing larger plastic tubing, contact CPS. Build-to-order tool.

PTX-1109 Video



If you are looking for a CUSTOM tool for a specific application we recommend the following procedure:

1.  The fastest method is to give us a call so we can discuss your application in detail. Toll Free U.S. / Canada: 888-444-1202 or 612-859-1110.

2.  If emailing your request, please be sure to provide as much information as possible regarding the application, including material specifications, cycles performed per day, photos or video of the process and tool that you currently use, solid model drawings (.stp format) if available, etc.  Send email requests to:

3.  In most cases, we will request that you send us samples of the material or parts you will be processing with the tool so we can have parts available for both tool design as well as testing when the tool is completed.  The testing process is available to all customers at no cost.  This assures all parties that the correct tool is specified for the application and that it performs as expected.

4.  Upon receipt of your PO, we will provide the customer with a drawing model for final approval prior to starting the manufacturing process.  You will be asked to sign off on the drawing and authorize the project to move forward.

5.  As a general rule, lead time for custom tools will average 8-10 weeks after receipt of order. This can vary depending upon the complexity of the tool design as well as internal production schedules. 

6.  There is NO Risk for our customers.  Should we accept your project for a custom tool, it must perform as expected.  If it does not, we reserve the right to rework the tool, replace the tool or refund the customer in full.  In most cases, we do not require a deposit or advance payment on custom tools.

7.  Complete customer satisfaction is our responsibility and we take this very seriously. 

The Warranty document below applies to all standard, off-the-shelf components used as part of your custom tool.


In most cases, the power pack and jaw housings used on custom tools will be 1 of our standard units.  The bulk of the custom tools designed will utilize a custom set of jaws to perform the function required.  Regardless of the jaw design, we do not warrant the jaws for breakage or wear unless we determine a manufacturing or material defect is present.  CPS has no control over how the tools are being used, however we will inspect any broken or worn parts to determine if a warranty replacement applies.