The catalog below will provide complete information on each model, including a breakdown of repair parts, cold welding specifications, pump options, etc.
Hydraulic Pinch Off Tool catalog 2025
Cold Welding White Paper
HY Tool Preventative Maintenance
The video below shows the proper procedure for replacing the jaw springs on any of the HY series hydraulic handsets. To prevent damage to the jaw springs when replacing them, please follow this procedure carefully. Jaw springs should be checked periodically to insure they are not twisted or broken, as a broken spring can effect the pinch off process.
Jaw Spring Replacement Procedure - Video
NOTE: This tool is NOT a stock item. Build-to-Order only. Allow 8-10 week lead time
Hydraulic Pinch-Off Handsets and Jaws
All handsets are jaws are warranted against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 1 year from date of purchase. Pinch-Off jaws are not warranted against breakage unless defects are confirmed by CPS. Any warranty claims must be submitted in writing for review.
Hydraulic Pumps
All hydraulic pumps supplied by Custom Products & Services, Inc for use with the Pinch-Off Tools are warranted by the pump manufacturer only. All warranty related repairs must be performed by one of the pump manufacturers authorized service centers. Custom Products & Services can assist you with trouble-shooting pump issues or locating a service center, but the end user is responsible for contracting directly with the pump service center to perform repairs, as needed. This insures that the pump warranty remains in effect. The customer has the option of purchasing a pump from a local vendor, but should contact CPS to insure the pump being purchased is compatible and configured properly to work with the Pinch Off Tool Handset. Pumps should always be equipped with a good quality pressure gauge to insure the tool is operated at the correct pressure for the application.
For end users located outside of the United States or Canada, research local hydraulic pump suppliers to confirm the availability of repair and service for the pumps being supplied. If a repair center is not available in your area or country, we can assist you in locating the nearest facility. Transportation charges (both ways) will apply, even if the repairs are under warranty.
Contact CPS with any questions concerning this warranty policy.
The hydraulic pinch-off tools detailed in this product section are typically used in applications where achieving a dependable, repeatable cold welded, hermetic seal is critical. As a result, we do NOT accept orders or ship these tools until the following procedures have been completed.
Contact CPS to discuss your application in detail.
You will be requested to submit samples of your tubing. All samples should be at least 3" long. If your application involves subjecting your tubing to any secondary operations such as heat cycling (bake out) or brazing (near the area to be pinched-off), then your samples should also be run through those processes prior to submitting. The cold welding process is sensitive to tube temper, so providing the proper samples will allow us to duplicate your process and get an accurate test result.
Send Samples to:
Custom Products & Services, Inc
2910 Waters Rd, Suite 110
Eagan, MN. 55121
ATTN: Jim Norton
Advise if your tubes will be subjected to pressure or vacuum, and at what levels.
Whenever possible, please submit photos or video detailing your application. This allows us to determine the proper tool configuration. If solid model drawing are available for the components being processed, that is helpful also. (Refer to the CONTACT US tab and send to Technical Support)
Advise your estimated number of tubes to be processed with this tool per hour / per shift. This helps to determine the proper hydraulic pump to be recommended.
Once this information has been provided and tube samples have been tested, a full test report and quote will be provided for customer review. Once accepted by the customer, a purchase order can be submitted for processing.
We welcome any questions you may have regarding the use of these hydraulic tools with your application.
Request Information